The total number of tractors rose from 1 million 384 thousand 173 units to 1 billion 663 thousand 914 units with 20.2 percent between July 2010- July 2015.
The number of tractor which increases in the provinces experienced mostly in Ardahan with 74.9 percent, followed by Sırnak with 74.3 percent, Tunceli with 70.7 percent. Semsi Bayraktar, Chairman of Turkish Chambers of Agricultural Association, said Eastern and Southeastern Anatolian regions had shared the first line in the increase of tractor figure, the Southeastern region ranked atop in the increase with 34,1 percent, Eastern Anatolian Region second with 33.6 percent in recent 5 years. The total number of tractors rose from 1 million 384 thousand 173 units to 1 billion 663 thousand 914 units with 20.2 percent between July 2010- July 2015 in Turkey. “When we evaluate by provinces and regions of Turkey, the Eastern and Southeastern regions and the provinces ranked atop in the increase of tractors,” he said. Chairman Bayraktar continued, “In the aforementioned period, the number of tractor in the southeastern region raised from 84,636 to 114,807 units with 34.1 percent; in the Eastern Region the number raised from 90,682 units to 121,191 units with 33.6 percent. These regions followed by the Central Anatolia with 20,3 percent, the Aegean Region with 19.2 percent. The number of tractor increased 15.1 percent in the Black Sea Region, 14.1 percent in the Marmara region. The Aegean Region ranked atop in the total figure with 338,020 units as of the regions. The Central Anatolian Region followed the Aegean region with the number of 327,170 units, the Marmara region with 306,828 units, the Black Sea Region with 234,913 units and the Mediterranean Region with 220,985 units respectively.” By the provinces, Manisa kept its first line in terms of the number of tractor with 79,618 units, Konya with 78,937 units ranked second. Pointing out the geographical conditions were affecting use of tractor, Bayraktar said the number of tractor was quite less in the Eastern Black Sea and Eastern Anatolian provinces with regard to plain lands were insufficient. Stating that tractor fulfills the locomotive-duty of the modern agricultural mechanization, Bayraktar said, “Mechanization is a crucial element to raise the productivity in the agriculture sector. In order to ensure rational soil cultivation, sowing seeds, fertilization, use of pesticide, irrigation and harvesting are carried out primarily through tractor and mechanization. According to the international standards, the average tractor age which should be 11-12-year, in our country it reaches by 22-23-year old. The current tractor park should be raised by the international standards. So, the sales of new tractors are significant. The tractors, which economic lifecycle have been completed, might lead to ecological losses, as well as technical and economic losses.”