Share Of Cargo And Passenger On Highways To Be Lowered


In line with the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the share of cargo transport on highways will be reduced from 89 percent to 72 percent by the end of 2023

By the end of 2023, the share of cargo transport on highways will be reduced from 90 percent to 60 percent, as for the share of passenger carrying will be reduced from 89 percent to 72 percent, according to the Turkish National Energy Efficiency Action Plan.

A combined transportation implementations will be improved in cargo and passenger carrying in order to achieve a balanced distribution between transportation sector modes, according to the action plan that covers the years 2017 and 2023.

In order to raise the shares of railway and seaway transport to shift to corridor approach in the transportation planning, the railway cargo transport is aimed to rise over 15 percent and in the share of passengers to over 10 percent.

Thus, the share of highway cargo transport will be lowered from 90 percent to 60 percent; the share of passenger transport from 89 percent to 72 percent by the end of 2023.

Integration of transport modes will be ensured

In the scope of Energy Efficiency Strategy Document; unit fossil fuel consumption of motor vehicles to be reduced, share of railway transportation and public transport in cities to be increased, unnecessary fuel consumption to be prevented, detrimental emissions to the environment to be lowered. Integration of transport modes will be provided in line with the works to be conducted.

According to the data in 2015; some 25 percent of the total energy consumption of Turkey was in the transportation sector. 91.6 percent of the energy consumption in the transportation belonged to the highway transport. The complete energy consumption in the highways composed of oil products in Turkey.

The measures directed towards the transport sector will be entered into force through the National Smart Transport Systems Strategy Document and Action Plan targeting knowledge and communication technologies to be adapted into the transport sector by the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communication.

#Cargo, #passenger, #highways, #transport



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