G7 Global Automotive Suppliers Discuss Automotive Value Chain

G7 Global Automotive suppliers discuss the importance of supporting a global automotive value chain; cooperation among key regions is fundamental to strengthen global competitiveness of the automotive supply industry

Representatives of the 7 leading automotive suppliers associations from the major vehicle regions in the world (Brazil, Canada, Europe, India, Japan, Mexico and the USA), meet to discuss the importance of supporting a global automotive value chain and its reflect on the challenges facing the sector.

Representatives from the G7 Global Automotive Suppliers Associations includes Mr. Vinnie Mehta, ACMA Director General; Mr. Vincent Guglielmo, APMA Vice President; Ms. Sigrid de Vries, CLEPA Secretary General; Mr. Óscar R. Albín, INA Executive President, Mr. Masashi Oshita,  JAPIA Vice Chairman & Executive Managing Director; Mr. Steve Handschuh, MEMA President & Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Dan Ioschpe, Chaiman of Sindipecas.

The second ‘G7’ Global Automotive Suppliers Associations meeting was held on 12 and 13 March 2018 in Geneva, facilitating high-level discussions and coordination among the leaders of the major automotive supplier associations. This dialogue is seen as valuable and necessary in view of the highly global nature of the vehicle industry and the various challenges that can affect the fair and rules-based trade between regions as well as other issues impacting competitiveness and wealth building across the globe.

The meeting participants exchanged views on the latest developments and mega-trends in the automotive and mobility sectors, such as issues related to:

  • Decarbonisation of transport and energy
  • Technology neutrality
  • Current skills shortages and future employment needs
  • Counterfeiting
  • Industry competitiveness & new business models
  • Connected and automated driving
  • Big data, cyber security & In-vehicle-generated data
  • Road safety
  • Technical harmonisation
  • Facilitation of global value chains & trade

The global automotive supplier associations believe that dialogue and information exchange will strengthen the cooperation between the different regions and support industry, national governments and international organisations, bringing benefits to society by implementing new mobility solutions.

The meeting was this year hosted by CLEPA – the European Association of Automotive Suppliers. Attending the meeting were representatives of ACMA – the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India, APMA –  the Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association of Canada, INA – the National Auto Parts Industry Association of Mexico, JAPIA – the Japan Auto Parts Industries Association, MEMA – the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association of the U.S.A, SINDIPEÇAS – The National Association of Brazilian Auto Parts manufacturers and CLEPA – the European Association of Automotive Suppliers.

The automotive supply industry is an important contributor to innovation and economic growth around the world, sustaining highly-skilled employment and driving the development of new mobility solutions. The sector organises a highly-integrated worldwide network of suppliers and customers resulting in efficient international value chains. Materials, components and vehicles often cross multiple borders before they reach the customer.

#g7global, #automotive

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